Category Wellness

5 ways to practice self-care this fall

Welcome to fall—cold and flu season has arrived, the days are getting shorter, your work schedule is piling up, and all the holidays are looming over your shoulders. It’s time to get through the winter with our fall self-care guide.…

23 Healthier Foods for Emotional Eating

I see a lot of clients who struggle with emotional eating. When they feel stressed or overwhelmed, they turn to their favorite foods and often feel guilty for not sticking to their diet. It may take you a long time…

Can insulin sensitivity be improved through exercise?

If you ask people why they exercise, chances are they won’t discuss blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity. But for many people, physical activity can be a game-changer for metabolic health. Insulin is produced and released by the pancreas and…

How to stay healthy during winter

Winter can disrupt your daily routine healthy habits. The days are getting shorter, your vacation to-do list is a mile long, and when it’s cold outside, you might be tempted to stay indoors, Embrace the hygge vibe. But don’t let…

5 Ways to Lower Cortisol Naturally

If the endocannabinoid system were a movie, cortisol would be the villain. Also known as the “stress hormone,” cortisol seems to be the culprit of every health problem under the sun: mood swings, weight gain, bloating, skin problemsinsomnia, etc. It…