

What is my body type and can I train for it?

What is my body type and can I train for

In the 1940s, William Sheldon, a professor at the University of Houston, proposed the concept that all people fall into one of three body types, or somatotypes. It was brave. It was revolutionary. It was complete nonsense. The whole concept…

Is coffee good for the heart?

Is coffee good for the heart

Coffee, rich in bioactive compounds such as caffeine, chlorogenic acid and polyphenols, has been found to have regenerative abilities that are beneficial for vascular health. Here’s a closer look at how caffeine contributes to these positive effects: process of action…

Healthy Ho-Ho-Holiday Cookies!

Healthy Ho Ho Holiday Cookies

Ho-ho-ho! The holidays are right around the corner, and while I know all of you ladies are successfully tackling the Holiday Sleigh Challenge (check out the inspiring, daily song on Insta!), the holidays also come with lots of fun, family,…

How to Store Lead Glass in an X-Ray Room

How to Store Lead Glass in an X Ray Room

In the fast-paced world of medicine, X-ray rooms play an important role in diagnosis, allowing medical professionals to look at the human body with greater precision. Central to the functionality and safety of these rooms is lead glass, a special…

Guilt-Free Chicken Pesto Pizza

Guilt Free Chicken Pesto Pizza.webp

guilt-free chicken pesto pizza Pizza is one of those foods that you think you should avoid when trying to lose weight, but that’s not true! I just had to learn how to make recipes like this so I can enjoy…