Although they are not usually a large drinker, special occasions can make a number in the mantra of everything in moderation. From the Opening Office Festivities to the capture of friends to the holiday dinners with your family, dropping often offers wide opportunities for the drink.
Although it is fun to celebrate -and enjoy -you wake up -you the next day with a headache and a general As it ended with a fresh The discomfort is less fun.
But to deal with a hangover after drinking too much, it is avoidable, if you approach your fucking with the right plane. So take into account and consider these stabs of wisdom before raising the next glass.
What causes a hangover?
The short answer is, of course, “alcohol”. But the mechanisms behind it because Alcohol makes us feel so horrible the next day is not really known.
“We do not completely understand what is happening and what causes it,” says Andrea N. Giancoli, mph, rd. “But we know that alcohol is toxic to the body and toxic to the organs.”
Dehydration also plays an important role in the cause of headaches that occur with a hangover. Alcohol is a diuretic, that is, it makes you pee, which is why you may not experience the same headache when you drink something with high water content, such as an alcoholic jungle or a soda of the club of club vodka.
And adds Giancoli, alcohol can also adversely affect the immune system (generally felt down), irritating the stomach lining (causing nausea and vomiting) and decreases blood sugar (providing shakes and dizziness ).
How can a hangover be avoided?
The only safe way to avoid a hangover is to avoid alcohol completely, but if you want to treat -a couple of drinks, there are some things you can do to limit the symptoms of the hangover.
1. Take –
If you prevent alcohol from being an option, the first step is to practice some containment. “You should limit consumption to approximately two alcoholic beverages,” says Mitzi Dulan, RD, CSSD, author and dietitian registered. Pass with the drinks, how to have one during the round of snacks and then another when you eat.
And look at your portion sizes. A single portion of hard liquor, for example, is only 1.5 ounces. Fill a glass of nine ounce whiskey in half and effectively three shots.
2. Cut the drinks with water
Dulan suggests adding sparkling water to your drinks -you will help prevent dehydration and you will be less likely to overcome -you. Cut Prosecco 50-50 with sparkling water, for example, or mix hard liqueur with a select and a dash of juice or sliced citrus.
3. Avoid congeners
“Another way to reduce hangover symptoms,” says Giancoli, “is to drink free or low alcohols in congeners.”
The congeners are by -products of fermentation that are considered toxic. They are higher in darker spirits such as Bourbon, brandy and whiskey, and descend into clear alcohol such as gin, vodka and rum. This is why mixing liqueurs can be a recipe for a horrible hangover: congeners of different types of alcohol can add, increasing toxic toll on the body.
Can you stop a hangover after drinking too much?
If you feel so poignant as the night turns on, don’t panic. Just stop drinking and changing in the flat water or the club’s soda, or at least start to go one by one with water. “Drinking a glass of water between each alcoholic beverage will help reduce the amount of drinks and continue to moisturize -it,” says Giancoli.
Hitting the soft drinks can also help you, as the food adds a barrier that helps stop the speed at which the alcohol is absorbed in the bloodstream.
“The main thing is not to drink alcohol with an empty stomach, because when the alcohol hits the coating of the stomach, it is absorbed immediately,” says Giancoli. “If you drink with your stomach empty, you will feel the effects of alcohol sooner.”
And the healthiest grub can be more useful than junk. “There are some research that show things like asparagus and manga can be useful,” says Giancoli. Do not wait for these foods to do hangover miracles, but as a rule, hit healthy snacks such as fruit, vegetables or whole grains that have good antioxidant properties for your body.
If you know you will celebrate a lot, plan it. Dulan likes to pack high protein snacks, such as a peanut-kale sandwich and a protein made of oats, honey, peanut butter, powder protein and almonds, in case of damage control is needed. “These options make you feel better and give you a good energy,” he says.
How can you recover from a hangover?
OK, so you celebrated it too much and you didn’t realize it until it was too late. Now what?
Once you get home and before going to bed, drink a large glass or two or three of water. Dulan says he is not a foolishness care, but “he should help -he feel -better than if he didn’t.”
And do not bother to pursue your quantities of water with a painkiller before passing. “Some people take ibuprofen or aspirin before going to bed as a way to treat the hangover,” says Giancoli. “But that won’t last enough.” When you wake up, it will have been worn.
In the morning, Giancoli recommends staying in bed as long as possible. “Return to sleep. Time is the best healing, “he says.
When you finally drag your fog body, Giancoli recommends eating a mango or even khaki, which studies suggest that they can help. “They are not proven and are not proven,” he says. “But they are certainly healthy and will benefit your body in a number of ways.”
Mix them in a smoothie and then have a more substantial breakfast, such as eggs with brown toast, to recover blood sugar.
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