What is sweat made of?


If you’re sweating after a workout, you know it’s time to rehydrate.

But before you grab a water bottle, it’s important to understand exactly what sweat is made of, because when we sweat, we lose electrolytes as well as water. Replacing these key minerals will help you hydrate more effectively and maintain peak performance.

What you need to know about the science of sweating.

Why do we sweat?

back of a sweaty woman | What is sweat made of?

Sweat is your body’s natural cooling system. When you feel the heat, such as on a hot day, spicy food, stressful situations, or intense exercise, your body produces sweat to stay cool.

“Normally, we sweat to regulate body temperature in hot conditions,” said BODi Principal Scientist Paul Falcone. “When the water in the sweat evaporates, it cools the skin.”

It’s in your skin millions of sweat glandsand about a quarter of the sweat evaporates from your skin each day.

What does our body lose through sweat?

“Sweat is mostly made up of water and electrolytes, which are essential minerals for the body,” explains Falcone. Sweat and may contain traces of urea, uric acid, ammonia, vitamin C and other substances.

The main electrolytes we lose when we sweat are sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. These electrolytes are a various important purposes in the body and helps maintain normal nerve, muscle, heart, and brain function.

Electrolytes are very important, Falcon added, and their levels strictly regulated inside the body so as not to disrupt the main processes. Therefore, in addition to water, it is important to replace the electrolytes that you lose when you sweat during a long workout.

How to make up for what you lose when you sweat

male female rehydration | What is sweat made of?

Water is essential for hydration – no surprises there.

But during longer workouts, especially if you increase the intensity, drinks, etc Beachbody Performance Hydrate Helps replenish both fluids and electrolytes for higher performance.*

This is because electrolytes, along with all their other roles, help absorb water more effectively and maintain optimal fluid balance, so they play an important role in hydration drinks. Add Beachbody Performance Hydrate to your water bottle to replenish these electrolytes and rehydrate more effectively.

“Electrolytes help the osmolality of the drink, which makes it easier for the body to absorb water,” explains Falcone. By focusing on osmolality, Beachbody Performance Hydrate is more hydrating than water.

So that you can achieve the ideal balance of electrolytes Beachbody Performance Hydrate Formulated with a science-based combination of electrolytes and carbohydrates to help optimize hydration, improve endurance and jump-start muscle recovery.*

“Carbohydrate-electrolyte drinks have been clinically proven to promote endurance,” says Falcone. “Carbohydrates provide fuel for working muscles, and electrolytes support several bodily processes necessary for exercise.”

For maximum benefit Beachbody Performance HydrateIt is best to drink during or after exercise. Mix one serving with 8 ounces of water every 30 minutes of exercise to maintain fluid balance and support performance.*

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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