Menopause Weight Gain: What Actually Works

Reviewed by Helen Kollias, PhD and Brian St. Pierre, MS, RD At some point in my mid-40s, the scale started climbing. A pound or two turned into five, then 10, then 20. It seemed as if I was doing all…
Reviewed by Helen Kollias, PhD and Brian St. Pierre, MS, RD At some point in my mid-40s, the scale started climbing. A pound or two turned into five, then 10, then 20. It seemed as if I was doing all…
Starting a weight loss adventure can seem overwhelming, especially when hunger strikes. Finding a balance between reducing energy and maintaining comfort is the key to long-term success. Here are some practical diet format tips to help you lose weight while…
A common piece of equipment worn by exercisers is a weightlifting belt. They come in a variety of materials and styles—from nylon belts with hook-and-loop closures to leather belts with buckles—designed to take pressure off your core and help stabilize…
These are the top 3 fat burners on the market:– LeanBean: Best Diet Pills for Weight Loss in Women Fast Leanbean is for women who want to get in perfect shape, boost their metabolism and control appetite. Studies have shown…
Think class, not just energy “A calorie is a calorie” is an oft-repeated dietary mantra, and not overeating is an important health measure these days. However, a growing body of research shows that top-notch foods aren’t just focused on energy,…
Weightlifting and strength training have always been associated with men. But more and more women are becoming aware of the benefits of weightlifting for their health. According to a recent survey, more than 15 million women exercise weights frequently. Research…
But with so many diet options available, it can be difficult to know where to start. But don’t worry, because this article will make things easier for you. It will provide you with various nutrients, healthy meal ideas and easy-to-follow…
If you’re wondering if there’s a “healthy weight,” here’s the truth: There’s no perfect, ideal number you should aspire to. Your healthy weight depends on a number of factors, and there’s no way we can all fit the same mold.…
Our weight can fluctuate daily, which can be extremely frustrating for those who have a competition coming up or are trying to hit a goal weight. One trick is to lose water weight – but what’s the best way to…
For all the reasons to try whey protein, weight loss flies under the radar. But is protein rich good for weight loss? What does whey protein do for your body – and what is whey, anyway? What Is Whey? “Whey…