Tag Health

Managing Mental and Emotional Health

[ad_1] Reviewed by Brian St. Pierre, MS, RD and Helen Kollias, PhD It’s like my thoughts were under a pile of garbage. On a Friday night, as my husband and I tried to figure out where to eat, a typical…

7 Health Benefits of Drinking Okra Water Every Morning

[ad_1] Health Benefits of Okra Water Okra water is growing in popularity for its numerous health benefits, which are supported by traditional medicine and recent interest in naturopathic medicine. Here’s a closer look at its health benefits: lovelcute 1. Regulate…

How to find a good health coach

[ad_1] By Brian St. Reviewed by Pierre, MS, RD Once you’ve decided you want to work with a health coach, finding the right one is more than checking off a list of qualifications. How do you know you’ve found the…

The Role of Professional Boundaries in Mental Health Care

[ad_1] In the context of mental health care, maintaining professional boundaries is important for both the caregiver and the client. These boundaries ensure that relationships between mental health professionals and their clients remain respectful, positive, and centered on the client’s…

How to overcome barriers to better health

[ad_1] “I just bought a new BPA-free tupperware set.” This comment, coming from my friend Anna, caught me off guard. Anna’s a highly competent law professional. She’s a critical thinker and she fights in the heavyweight division when it comes…