I know I’m not the only one patiently waiting for peppermint hot chocolate season! There’s just something about the holidays that makes them feel so special.
Most of us would rather eat hot chocolate or make pre-mixed wraps at home? I used to use it all the time, but there are 25-50 grams of sugar at a time!
It’s not just too much sugar, it can make you crave more sweets and disrupt your sleep. Ps if you need a healthy swap I have a ton here .
I created myself 0g sugar Bedtime Peppermint hot chocolate to give you the delicious cocoa you deserve, but with some serious benefits.
It’s rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to help you:
- Suppress your sweet tooth cravings
- Sleep faster
- Sleep longer
- Wake up
This recipe is from one of my Holiday Survival Guides & Recipes eBooks, but I wanted to share it here with you all because it’s so good!
Sleepy Time Peppermint Hot Chocolate
Drink this 30 minutes before bed while watching your favorite Christmas movie!
A healthier holiday exchange
Check out more healthy holiday swaps here!
I’ve loaded it up with over 30 healthy holiday recipes for you to enjoy!
Plus, it’s got travel exercises and tips, self-care essentials to help you de-stress and soak up all the feels, DIY gift ideas, even a shopping checklist, budget tracker, and more!
Download yours here.