Tag BODi

Thinking by BODi | Petra Colbert

If you’ve taken a deep breath before diving into a difficult task, hit a power point before an important meeting, or written down three things you’re thankful for before you go to bed, you already know. You know positive thinking…

BODi Experience Podcast: Watch the Latest Episode

BODi Super Trainer Autumn Calabrese was suffering from unexplained weight gain, hot flashes, night sweats, and other hormonal issues. Her search for a solution led to the Belle Vitale hormonal health program for women. Now, the certified hormone health coach…

When does pre-workout expire? | BODi

We’re sure you’ve been in this situation before: You reach into that stash of energy you’ve been dying to boost, only to realize that your training session has run out of time. But looking at the container, it looks fine.…