Pumpkin Spice Flavored Cream Cold Brew

It might be fall, but it’s really hot here. If you’re craving all the fall vibes, but you’re feeling overwhelmed by the heat, a pumpkin spice latte… I’ve got you.

Say goodbye to basic and excess sugar! This Pumpkin Spice Sweet Cream Cold Brew recipe will blow your mind this fall. It’s so much better than anything you order and it only has 3g of sugar as opposed to the 50g you’ll find in your PSL!

I will not leave you low calorie or low sugar. It can lift your mood, help reduce stress, and even help you get through the more ordinary rough days with Miss Congeniality.

Miss Congeniality is my mood-enhancing health blend packed full of vitamins, minerals and adaptogens that help boost your mood. Below are some of my favorite ingredients. Check out what he can do!

Lion’s mane for clarity and focus.

Ashwagandha help reduce anxiety and stress

Mukana Prurin Y “dopa bean” – reduces stress, increases concentration, increases libido and improves mood.

Pure Lamb Vine or chasteberry can increase fertility and reduce PMS and menopause symptoms

Can’t wait for you to try this recipe. I never like cold coffee (like drinking hot coffee in 90 degree heat) but this is different! I couldn’t stop drinking! It’s got just the right amount of sweet, creamy, PSL zing, and gives you that cozy feeling.

Show me how to add this to your routine on IG and be sure to tag me @lovesweatfitness and @LSFnutrition To allow re-sharing on our pages!

Pumpkin Spice Sweet Butter Cold Beer RECIPE


  • 1/2 cup cold brew
  • 1 tbsp. pureed pumpkin puree 1 cup oat milk
  • 1 teaspoon Miss Congeniality
  • 1/2 tsp. pumpkin spice

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