How Can You Lose Weight On Ozempic?

Marketing is everywhere. So are social media testimonials and celebrity gossip: Every celebrity who sheds a few pounds says they’re there. In recent years, Ozempic (semaglutide) has become less effective for weight loss.

These injectable drugs – well-known drugs that belong to a group that includes Wegovy and Rybelsus (both semaglutides), and Mounjaro and Zepbound (tirzepatides) – have been called weight loss games.

If you’re looking for help in that area, you’re no doubt wondering: How much weight can you lose on Ozempic?

Weight Loss With Ozempic: How Does It Work?

Woman Stabs Ozempic in the Arm | How much weight can you lose on ozempic

Semaglutides and tirzepatides belong to a family of drugs called incretin mimetics, which, among other things, make you feel full faster and longer after eating. They work by activating receptors in the gut called GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide) that help regulate blood sugar levels and digestion.

“These drugs stimulate the pancreatic islet cells – where insulin is produced – to slow down gastric emptying,” explains Spencer Kroll MD, Ph.D., FNLA, board certified physician and medical author. Ozempic food. “These drugs also inhibit food cravings and appetite.”

He added: “In patients with type 2 diabetes, insulin is deficient in GLP-1.” These drugs eliminate this deficiency, helping to restore the proper function of the pancreas.

Because of their actions in the body, these drugs can:

  • Help the body convert sugar into energy by stimulating insulin production in the pancreas
  • Help reduce appetite
  • Increase satiety by acting on the brain, especially the hypothalamus, he says Aleem Kanji, MDa well-known endocrinologist and obesity medicine specialist in Houston. “Weight loss is believed to be caused by increased satiety and fullness, ultimately reducing caloric intake,” he says.

Semaglutide and tirzepatide were developed as antidiabetics. As of now, Wegovy (semaglutide) and Zepbound (tirzepatide) are the only ones approved by the FDA specifically for weight loss.

Some drugs are prescribed to “go away” – or not as much as they do – to lose weight.

Tirzepatide vs. semaglutide

In addition to stimulating pancreatic GLP-1 receptors like semaglutide, tirzepatides such as Mounjaro and Zepbound have an additional mechanism: They also stimulate GIP (glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide) receptors. Both types of incretin receptors are involved in blood sugar regulation and occur naturally in the gut.

But it is important to remember that this drug comes with its limitations.

  • The results are not clear. Although anecdotal reports from celebrities and social media claim that drugs like semaglutide can help with weight loss, this class of drugs has not been well studied for weight loss in people without diabetes. There are also concerns that long-term use can lead to nutrient depletion and muscle loss, among other things.
  • Losing weight depends on continuing to work. People who took the drug, then stopped, also reported gaining weight. This weight often comes in the form of fat, so stopping the use of the drug can cause users to go right back to where they started.
  • Effects on other health indicators are limited. In addition to the weight loss benefits, the drug is not known to improve health indicators such as aerobic capacity, muscle strength, or bone health in the same way that diet and exercise do.
  • They can spend a lot of money. Weight loss pills are often not covered by insurance, so they cost $1,000 or more per month.

Average Semaglutide Weight Loss Results

Semaglutide Medication in a Box | How much weight can you lose on ozempic

“Weight loss with this drug is near 15 percent of total body weight,” says Kroll. “That’s very similar to all other known weight loss strategies, where the average weight loss is 5 percent to 10 percent of total body weight.”

Here are the average weight gain for semaglutides based on starting weight:

  • 250 pounds = 37.5 pounds to lose
  • 200 pounds = 30 pounds to lose
  • 175 pounds = 26 pounds to lose
  • 150 pounds = 22.5 pounds to lose

But there is no guarantee. Drug-assisted weight loss does not have a good record of sustainability. And again, the latest class of weight loss drugs has not been extensively tested on diabetics, so it is not known whether the weight loss is permanent or permanent, especially after the drug is used up.

Furthermore, to get the best results, weight loss drugs are given along with a healthy diet and resistance training, which are the most obvious ways to lose weight.

Since the side effects are so severe and occur in some form at such a high level (see below), taking this drug indefinitely is not only costly but can also be dangerous. In addition, taking a GLP-1 agonist such as Ozempic does not address the many causes of weight gain, including inactivity and eating unhealthy and unhealthy foods high in sugar.

Is Ozempic Safe For Weight Loss?

This new class of weight loss drugs has a range of side effects from well-known to unknown side effects of long-term use. Anyone considering them should discuss the potential risks with their doctor before using them.

Pancreatic and digestive system

“A lot of the concern about these drugs and their side effects has to do with what they do to the gastrointestinal tract,” says Kroll. “In stimulating the pancreas, sometimes drugs can cause inflammation of the pancreas or pancreas.

“Some common, but less common side effects are bowel changes, manifested as diarrhea or constipation,” says Kroll. “There may also be nausea, especially when the medication is started or the dose is changed.” These effects occur until 50% of users.

Losing muscle

Until 45% of weight loss because of this drug can come from lean mass (muscle), which can have a negative effect on the health of the metabolism (for example, slow metabolism) and physical strength.

To protect muscle tissue, users must exercise and eat enough energy, protein, and micronutrients while using the drug, which can be difficult to achieve with a suppressed appetite.

Cosmetic effects

Some users of semaglutide and similar drugs reported that “Ozempic face” and “Ozempic butt” – painful skin due to rapid weight loss.

How Can You Lose Weight Permanently?

Happy Woman on Slimming Journey | How much weight can you lose on ozempic

If you’re looking for guaranteed and sustainable weight loss that won’t cost you money, science has proven time and time again that you can expect it from a well-designed diet and exercise plan.

“The most effective way to lose weight is to change your lifestyle. That means changing your diet and increasing your exercise,” says Kroll. “GLP-1 drugs are no more effective at losing weight than any diet, drug, or supplement.”

He warned: “Patients who stop GLP-1 will also see weight loss.” The key to losing weight is to change your lifestyle, sometimes in combination with these new, very effective drugs. “

The truth is, pharmacology has not yet changed for weight loss pills.

“Permanent weight loss is achieved by creating a calorie deficit, which can be achieved by eating fewer calories than you burn,” he says. Gloria Copper, MDa restorative medicine physician in Temecula, California.

Some good options are:

  • Nutritious foods. “Think about whole foods, vegetables, protein, and healthy fats,” advises Tumbaga. “Reduce processed foods, sugary drinks, and overeating.
  • Exercise regularly. Include both cardio and strength activities in your workouts. Try to exercise at least 150 minutes a week.
  • Behavioral change. It is important to deal with any emotional and psychological problems of overeating. “Smart eating, portion control, and stress management are key to staying healthy,” says Tumbaga.
  • Gradual change. “Avoid binge eating or rapid weight loss, as it may not be sustainable,” she adds.

Another important thing, Mr. Tumbaga says, is support. As you work to lose weight, seeking guidance from health professionals, nutritionists, or support groups can help you stay motivated and accountable.

That’s the kind of support you can get at BODi – and exercise for any type of exercise, over 1,000 delicious whole foods recipes to help you eat better without feeling deprived, with ideas, motivational classes, and communities that help you stay strong and support you on your weight loss journey.

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